Business Objects Universe
I installed a second Tomcat instance on the BOBJ server as https://launchpad.support.sap.com/#/notes/2510839 advises for the following reasons:
The JAVA requirements for these applications are different.
You may need to restart Tomcat at different times affecting different groups of users.
Performance: if you are importing a large set of data, this may impact your BI Platform users.
After installing and validating as working the Cloud Connector and Agent, I created the ‘On-premise datasource’ in SAC.
When I checked the configuration it returned the error:
“Failed to call SAP analytics cloud agent and refer to the system monitor trace for details. Please contact your system administrator to ensure the SAP Cloud Agent is running, configured correctly and is reachable from the SAP Cloud Platform Cloud Connector”
Don’t you love it when an error says contact the system administrator and it’s effectively you!
The problem was caused by having two on-premise datasources configured, both with a blank ‘location ID’ in their respective cloud connectors (which means keep default).
However you cannot have duplicate location IDs – once I entered a value in one of them both datasources started working (NB multiple cloud connectors a single SAC system is a fairly recent new capability).
When I then tried to create a universe (import) connection in SAC I got the error.
“The SAP Analytics Cloud agent is out of date. The service is temporarily unavailable. Please upgrade the SAC agent to the latest version".
This despite having just downloaded and installed the latest version (1.0.91; downloaded June 2021). Checking the agent version of the other cloud connector it was 1.0.257 (January 2021).
Undeploying the latest version and replacing with this slightly older version resolved the issue and I was able to create (and use) a universe (import) connection.
As for the performance testing, that’s next.
Thanks to Rebecca Morris and Keith Fisher of DSCallards for collaboration.