SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3: All The Client Tools Are 64bit Now

SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.3: All The Client Tools Are 64bit Now

In previous 4.x versions of SAP BusinessObjects, IT administrators had a minor headache because of the different database driver infrastructure needed between the server and local client installs. The BOBJ server architecture was 64bit, the local client tools were 32bit. If you wanted to install the client tools on the server, then you needed both sets of drivers or middleware installed there – Oracle admins especially found this hard to grasp!

From 4.3 though the client tools use 64bit architecture, meaning there is only one set of ODBC connections or one install of Oracle client software to worry about. One Oracle home and path. One niche database driver to find.

Now Webi RC, the IDT and UDT, and SAP Crystal Reports can all access as much memory as they need, or as the local machine has to give. Now the only limit is with your IT department or laptop budget!

This will make admins’ lives simpler and potentially ease the packaging of the software for deployment in organisations.