category Visualisation

Are You Ready For SAP BusinessObjects 4.3?

Are You Ready For SAP BusinessObjects 4.3?

The latest version of SAP BusinessObjects is coming in 2020 (early access in late 2019) and you can prepare for it now by following a few guidelines, checking your supporting IT infrastructure is up to date and talking to DSCallards about your strategy. Here are some tips for what you can do to help smooth the path to all the benefits SAP BusinessObjects 4.3 will bring. Continue reading Are You Ready For SAP BusinessObjects 4.3?

What's Wrong with Pie Charts and 15 Top Visualisation Tips

What's Wrong with Pie Charts and 15 Top Visualisation Tips

The push for visualisations in modern BI products means that more and more products are available to make our data look pretty and engaging. However one analyst’s taste for bright colours and crowded dashboards might not suit the engineer’s taste for simple outlines and clear labelling, while the marketeer’s taste for neutral tones and bold graphics would be fulfilled by neither. Continue reading What's Wrong with Pie Charts and 15 Top Visualisation Tips